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Maven Dependency

Add the following to your pom.xml:

    <!-- Bundabrg's Repo -->


Download the Plugin

Download and place the GeyserLink plugin into the plugins folder of each of your servers that need it.

When the server is started it will generate a config.yml and a dynamic.yml file that will contain keys for this server.


GeyserMC, a bedrock to java proxy, does not yet support plugins so you will need to either wait till this pull request is merged or build your own version from that branch.

Sending a PingMessage

GeyserLink supports some build in messages that it will respond to itself. One of them is a PingMessage which simply responds with whatever data was in the PingMessage payload. This is a useful way of finding out what other GeyserLink services are available.


GeyserLink.getInstance().sendMessage(player, new PingMessage("Hello world!"));

This is not terribly useful as we want to capture the response. The sendMessage method allows you to chain a onResponse call that allows you to define a lambda to run when a response to the messages is received. Note that you can get multiple responses for some messages.

Lets capture the response and print out the packet. Note that we specify what the response class is as well which in this case is a PingResponse.


GeyserLink.getInstance().sendMessage(player, new PingMessage("Hello world!"))
    .onResponse(PingResponse.class, (result, signed, response) -> {
        // We have recieved a response to our ping. Print it out
        getLogger().info("Got a PingResponse: " + response);

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