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A Parser is something with a name that can consume 0 or more words from the input and can produce 0 or 1 objects to be passed as a parameter to a method. It can also use partial input to provide command completion.

Parsers are provided in a space separated @Arg annotation string to the Class and/or Method.

The format of the parser definition in the @Arg string is:

@parsername(key=value, ...) @nextparser...


  • @parsername - the name of the parser to user. If it does not start with @ then it will be treated as a Literal Parser.
  • (key=value, ...) - optional parameters can be passed to the parser to define its behaviour. If no parameters are required then the braces can be left off as well.


These parsers are available for all execution environments

Common Parameters

There are some parameters that are common to most Parsers and will be listed here.


Provide a default value if none is provided through input. Note that any input at all will stop the default being provided and invalid input will correctly show an error.


public class MainCommand extends BukkitCommand {

    @Arg("cmd1 @int(default=3)")
    public void myCmd1(CommandSender sender, Integer myNum) {
The command /mycmd cmd1 will provide 3 to myNum variable.

The command /mycmd cmd1 10 will provide 10 to myNum variable.

The command /mycmd cmd1 aaa will display the error "Invalid Number: a"


Provide a description when auto completing for platforms that support it.


public class MainCommand extends BukkitCommand {

    @Arg("cmd1 @int(description=A silly number)")
    public void myCmd1(CommandSender sender, Integer myNum) {


If set to true will require a value to be provided either through input or through a default parameter.

If set to false (default) then missing input without a default will return a null object to the method.


public class MainCommand extends BukkitCommand {

    @Arg("cmd1 @int(required=true, default=3)")
    public void myCmd1(CommandSender sender, Integer myNum) {

    @Arg("cmd2 @int(required=true)")
    public void myCmd2(CommandSender sender, Integer myNum) {

    @Arg("cmd3 @int(required=false)")
    public void myCmd3(CommandSender sender, Integer myNum) {

The command /mycmd cmd1 will succeed and provide 3 for variable myNum

The command /mycmd cmd2 will show an error "A number is required"

The command /mycmd cmd3 will succeed and provide null for variable myNum


If set to true then this parser will not return any object to a method but otherwise will behave the same


public class MainCommand extends BukkitCommand {

    @Arg("cmd1 @int(suppress=true, required=true)")
    public void myCmd1(CommandSender sender) {
The command /mycmd cmd1 5 will execute the method with no additional parameters.

The command /mycmd cmd1 will return a required parameter error due to the required=true parameter.


The presence of this parameter will make a Parser into a named parameter instead of a positional one. It lists the name(s) of the switch separated by a |.

From the point it is defined it will consume input only if the input has a - with one of the names provided in which case the next word(s) of the input will go towards this parser. The returned object will be provided to the method in the order it is defined in the @Arg string.

Full command completion is provided for both the name(s) of the switch as well as its values.


public class MainCommand extends BukkitCommand {

    @Arg("cmd1 @int(switch=test|t, required=false) param1 param2 param3")
    public void myCmd1(CommandSender sender, Integer myNum) {
The following are all valid:

  • /mycmd cmd1 -test 3 param1 param2 param3
  • /mycmd cmd1 param1 -test 3 param2 param3
  • /mycmd cmd1 param1 param2 -test 3 param 3
  • /mycmd cmd1 param1 param2 param3 -test 3
  • /mycmd cmd1 param1 param2 param3

All but the last will return 3 to the variable myNum.

The last command will return null to the variable myNum.


Consumes: 1

Returns: String (if suppress is false)

Completions: yes

The simplest Parser is the Literal Parser. This one does not have a special name but rather is used whenever a string is detected instead of the name of a parser prefixed with @.

The Literal parser will use its name as input and has suppress set to true by default so will not normally provide any parameter to the method. Multiple options can be provided by separating the names with |.

Command completion will show all the options provided.


public class MainCommand extends BukkitCommand {

    @Arg("cmd1|c1 param1 param2|p2(suppress=false) param3")
    public void myCmd1(CommandSender sender, String p2) {
The following are all valid commands:

  • /mycmd cmd1 param1 param2 param3
  • /mycmd c1 param1 param2 param3
  • /mycmd cmd1 param1 p2 param3
  • /mycmd c1 param1 p2 param3

The method parameter p2 will be filled in with either param2 or p2.


Consumes: 1

Returns: Double

Completions: no

This Parser will try to read a floating point number from input and will return it as a Double


public class MainCommand extends BukkitCommand {

    @Arg("cmd1 @double")
    public void myCmd1(CommandSender sender, Double p1) {
The command: /mycmd cmd1 1.5 will provided the method parmeter p1 with a Double with value 1.5

The command /mycmd cmd1 aaa will return an error.


Consumes: 1

Returns: Float

Completions: no

This Parser will try to read a floating point number from input and will return it as a Float


public class MainCommand extends BukkitCommand {

    @Arg("cmd1 @float")
    public void myCmd1(CommandSender sender, Float p1) {
The command: /mycmd cmd1 1.5 will provided the method parmeter p1 with a Float with value 1.5

The command /mycmd cmd1 aaa will return an error.


Consumes: 1

Returns: Integer

Completions: sometimes

This Parser will try to read an integer from input and will return it as an Integer.

If a max parameter is provided then completion will show up to 20 numbers between min and max. If min is not defined but max is then min will be considered to be 0 for completion only but will not affect execution.


Set the minimum value accepted. Defaults to no minimum.


Set the maximum value accepted. Defaults to no maximum.


public class MainCommand extends BukkitCommand {

    @Arg("cmd1 @int(min=4,max=10)")
    public void myCmd1(CommandSender sender, Integer p1) {
The command: /mycmd cmd1 6 will provided the method parmeter p1 with a Integer with value 6

The command /mycmd cmd1 100 will return an error.

The command /mycmd cmd1 aaa will return an error.


Consumes: 1

Returns: String

Completions: no

This Parser will consume a single word from input and return it as a String object.

No completions will be provided.


public class MainCommand extends BukkitCommand {

    @Arg("cmd1 @string @string")
    public void myCmd1(CommandSender sender, String p1, String p2) {
The command: /mycmd cmd1 foo bar will provided the String foo for method parmaeter p1 and bar for method parameter p2


These parsers are available for the Bukkit execution environment


Consumes: 1

Returns: Player, OfflinePlayer

Completions: yes

Reads in a player name and will return either a Player or OfflinePlayer depending on the setting of the mode parameter.

A value of %self will refer to the command sender. This is useful to provide as a default. When the command sender is the console then an error will be returned "When console a player name is required".


Can be either online or offline (default).

When mode is online then completion will only show currently online players and when executing will only accept a player that is online. Returns a Player object to the method.

When mode is offline then completion will show all players, online and offlline, and when executing will validate that the player exists. Returns an OfflinePlayer object to the method.


public class MainCommand extends BukkitCommand {

    @Arg("cmd1 @player(default=%self, mode=online")
    public void myCmd1(CommandSender sender, Player player) {

    @Arg("cmd1 @player(mode=offline")
    public void myCmd1(CommandSender sender, OfflinePlayer player) {

Last update: 2022-09-05